

Wellness Practitioner, Reiki Master, Vibrational Sound Therapist, Owner

​John received his Reiki Master training at the Omega Institute for Holistic Learning and his Vibrational Sound Therapy training from the Vibration Sound Association. He earned his Certified Professional Coach (CPC) credential from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). His BA in Speech and Performing Arts/ Secondary Education came from Glassboro College at Rowan University. At the same time, he earned his Master's in...


Wellness Practitioner, Owner

David is a certified Pulse Electro-Magnetic therapist and Reiki energy healer. He is also a global business strategy consultant but has always studied and applied alternative healing modalities. His journey to wellness options began with lower back and cervical issues that prevented him from walking a few blocks without being in so much pain that he had to stop and take a break. While searching for the latest practices to correct his spinal...

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Licensed Massage Therapist

As an avid gym-goer and athlete, and with a love of anything physical, Curtis has always been interested in the body, how it works, how the muscles function, and why, when we move one way, we feel tension in a different part of the body. He remembered receiving my first massage, how stress-free I had felt, and how my muscles felt the next day. I honestly felt taller. His posture had improved. Since Curtis has received many different massages...


Hatha, Vinyasa and Restorative Yoga

It was my curiosity that brought me to my first yoga class. I had always wanted to try it and see what is was all about – so I talked my neighbor into going to a class with me. It was not what I had expected at all and my curiosity kept growing! I continued to go to class, but the problem was that I had to travel a ways away until I found out a yoga studio was coming close to my home! I was thrilled! So, for the next 3 months I took as many...
