Yoga and Meditation

Yoga, an ancient practice and meditation, and develops your inner awareness. It focuses your attention on your body's abilities at the present moment. It helps develop breath and strength of mind and body. It's not about physical appearance.

Jamie Fitzgerald - Yogi/Reiki

It was my curiosity that brought me to my first yoga class. I had always wanted to try it and see what is was all about – so I talked my neighbor into going to a class with me. It was not what I had expected at all and my curiosity kept growing! I continued to go to class, but the problem was that I had to travel a ways away until I found out a yoga studio was coming close to my home! I was thrilled! So, for the next 3 months I took as many classes as I could – the curiosity became more of an obsession so to speak. I just couldn’t get enough. I always thought yoga was for “flexible people” and all these other things, but I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Just as I was really starting to get into basic yoga poses and some of the terminology, our teacher informed us that she was moving out of state! I was devastated! What was I going to do and where was I going to go now? She had just completed Teacher Training at Open Way Yoga – she asked me if I had ever gone to class there…I told her that I had not, and she encouraged me to attend a class and suggested that I get into the Teacher Training. I thought she was absolutely crazy! To make a long story short – I started attending classes at Open Way and saw they were just getting ready to start 2017-2018 Teacher Training – the next thing I knew I was signed up ready to go. All sorts of things ran through my mind and I began to really convince myself that I had made a huge mistake. After a lot of encouragement and support from my husband and 3 grown kids – I became a certified 200 RYT yoga instructor a few months after my 50th birthday and I have not one single regret! It was my teacher’s subtle messages and quiet whisperings of the spiritual side of yoga, the philosophy, mantras, meditation and mudras that “called” to me – Yoga felt like home. My yoga offerings are simply to share my passion with everyone. I encourage the use of props to bring the pose to your body. I will always be a student to the practice and I’m thrilled to be a part of this awesome Yoga family!